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Welcome and FAQs

Welcome to the
Port Charlotte SDA Church!  

Who Are We?

Welcome to the Port Charlotte SDA Church in Port Charlotte, FL. 


We are a diverse congregation who is growing to become the most loving group of people in Florida.  We would love to have you join our family, which is part of the Seventh-day Adventist Church - a mainstream Protestant church with approximately 19 million members worldwide, including more than one million members in North America. The Adventist Church operates 173 hospitals and health centers and more than 7,500 schools around the world.  Learn more about the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist church.

Please join us for Bible study and worship every Saturday.

Saturday Services

Bible Study: 10:00 a.m.
Worship: 11:00 a.m.

We offer opportunities for group worship at 11:00 a.m., and engaging Bible classes at 10:00 a.m. every Saturday.  We faithfully gather in Biblically based, culturally relevant and Christ-consumed worship for the purpose of continuing a conversation between God and His people. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the church  believe?

  • The Bible is the Word of God.

  • Jesus is the Son of God.

  • God loves you and has a plan for your life.

  • God is concerned with the quality of human life.

  • God desires a personal relationship with you.

In the Classroom

How should I dress?

We strive to provide an atmosphere of warmth and acceptance. We value authenticity and grace, and care more about you than your fashion sense. Some dress very casually, while others wear business or business casual. Our pastors mix it up as well, so please dress as you feel comfortable. We’re just honored to have you join us.

What can I expect when I attend?

The Port Charlotte SDA Church worships together at 11:00 every Saturday morning. You may see Scriptures, praise music, and gain insight from a relevant and Christ-centered sermon. Each week, we are given opportunities to accept God’s invitation to worship with people from a variety of cultural, spiritual and generational backgrounds. Our hope is that you will be challenged to pursue an authentic and life-changing relationship with your Savior and leave our services with a passion to serve others.

Why Saturday?

The Port Charlotte SDA Church is part of the Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Sabbath on the seventh day of the week—Saturday—is so significant that it became our name!  While many of our Christian friends have their services on Sunday, we believe that the Biblical “Sabbath” is the day between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. We understand the Sabbath was established in the Garden of Eden and made holy as a commemoration of God’s complete Creation. In the Ten Commandments, God invites us to remember it to keep the Sabbath holy. We also believe that weekly rest is a great reminder of the rest we have in Jesus our Savior.

(FAQs inspired by WholeLife Church in Orlando, FL. Edits added by the Port Charlotte SDA Church.)

Directions and Contact Information

Port Charlotte SDA Church is located at:

2036 Loveland Blvd.

Pt. Charlotte, FL  33980





2036 Loveland Boulevard

Port Charlotte, FL 



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© 2023 by Port Charlotte Seventh-day Adventist Church

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